Posted by Unknown

Hello All,

Just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Freddahboy and I'm a big fan of music. Born in 1968, the tunes of the 60's, 70's and 80's really shaped my life. So much so that I spent 24 years playing my favorite songs on a rock radio station in Pennsylvania. It only seemed natural to get into radio, since the piano lessons weren't working out so well. Yea, I really needed to be around music, all the time. I actually tried the band thing a few times, but that's another crazy story altogether. Over the past few years I've been keeping my feet wet in the music biz by DJing dances, parties, and the likes. Karaoke is surprisingly still the rage in my neck of the woods, so that's what I do on the weekends. Woohoo!

Classic rock is a favorite. I recall those early days of sliding a Hendrix l.p. on the turntable, laying in bed and staring at my rotating, red ceiling light and rockin' out til Mom said "That's it kiddo. Time for bed!" Sometimes I wish I could go back there. Seems like all I do now is sit at the computer with a pile of cd's, or walk around with an MP3 player in hand.... it's just not the same. I guess that's reason why I decided to put together this blog.

It's always fun reminiscing. We all have some fond memories of our favorite bands. Maybe it was when you heard them for the first time on the radio, or your first concert experience. Fantastic flashbacks like these allow me to put aside some of the hassles of everyday life... for just a moment. And that, puts a smile on my face. Thanks for joining me on this rock 'n roll ride.


Of course with the good times comes the sad. Unfortunately we lost a fantastic musician and innovator of the progressive rock sound. Richard Wright, one of the four founding members of Pink Floyd died on Monday (Sept. 15th, 2008) at the age of 65. May the music shine on forever.

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 25, 2008 at Thursday, September 25, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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